Heffington Consulting enables advisors to grow their businesses by teaching them to better connect with clients and colleagues. Greg Heffington has 30 years of experience training professionals in the art of developing meaningful relationships through thoughtful communications.
By hiring Heffington Consulting, you can develop skills to anticipate client needs, manage client expectations, coordinate the support of colleagues, and reflect on your communication practices to consistently improve. By improving trust and emphasizing alignment in key relationships, you will earn and keep more business. Heffington Consulting delivers this value through:
- Single and multiple day intensive training programs
- One-on-one coaching with professionals of all experience levels
- Small and large group seminars
Heffington Consulting has worked with institutions of all sizes to help deliver results, including:
- Merrill Lynch
- Edward Jones
- Wells Fargo
- AXA Distributors
- Morgan Stanley
- Raymond James
- Invesco
- Morgan Stanley
- Otter Box
- Ameriprise Financial
- Rocky Mountain Innosphere
To learn more about how Heffington Consulting can deliver results for your business, visit our programs page or contact us today.

Recent Blog Posts
Read about upcoming events, information, and insights from Greg.
Transitioning your business and the impact on clients
My colleagues at Applied Psychoanalytics and I have just been published in the latest addition of Investments and Wealth Monitor put out by Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA). In it we talk about the important of maintaining the relationships on all...
Logic versus emotion in decision making.
Don’t fight fear with facts. Understand and clarifying the fear so you can prioritize strategies to overcome them. Then use the facts to justify the strategy. In that order!
The Transition Sandwich
As many of you know, Rob Jolles has been a mentor and a friend for many years now. His ability to communicate valuable ideas in a very memorable way has been one of his trademarks. This "Blarticle" is one great example. Take a minute and read The Transition...
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